Edition 5 | Bec Putna

Purpose is Power by Felix Oates

⚡️ Edition 5 | Bec Putna

Welcome back to Purpose is Power, where we learn about someone who endeavours to align what they do with their higher purpose for the betterment of their community.

Meet Bec

Bec's journey is already a beautifully diverse mix of athletic pursuits, unwavering purpose and straight up fun to be honest! Bec is an athlete who's conquered lacrosse fields, swimming pools, a half Ironman, and more recently an ultramarathon. Her memories of sport start as early as runs in the rainforest on the Gold Coast with her Dad aged 4... how cool! More than being a brilliant athlete though, Bec is a talented writer, a former teacher and a creator who seems to be genuinely enjoying the visible impact she’s having on her sports and communities!

From facing the pressures of high-level competition overseas, embracing new communities, pivoting in her career path, and even taking on a fiction novel, Bec has consistently sought growth and and new challenges. This is absolutely something that inspires me and everyone around her! Her latest leaps are testament to her commitment to making sports - especially those often perceived as exclusive - more inclusive and accessible for everyone, whilst ultimately following her core sense of purpose.

When did you become aware of your sense of purpose?

Bec has truly embedded herself in the Sydney running and triathlon community in a way that many know and love. Interestingly, she mentioned her motivations to engage with those communities actually revolved around wanting to have more friends and enriching relationships in her life - I can relate to that! But in doing so, Bec discovered not only her true sense of confidence, but her ability to connect with others through simply giving out good energy and getting it in return. The most profound reflection of Bec’s there though; “If I'm struggling (to make friends) and I think of myself as someone who's quite confident, imagine all the other people who are probably also struggling with these things”. In my opinion, that captures the spirit of everything that Bec is doing so well - being a wonderfully positive force for many whilst fostering community and connection in a really endearing way.

We’ve seen her become incredibly successful at building this community online and through various run groups and jerseys you’ll see her donning. Bec’s discovery of her own creativity is key to this though. You’ll see brilliant examples of this through her storytelling, both in short-form content and written pieces you can find on her Sub-stack! Her eureka moment; she accredits to a 12 week creative journaling program called The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Check it out!

Drivers & Motivators

Two core pillars underpin Bec's drive: an appreciation for health and a belief in the transformative power of confidence.

"I'm really interested in and really care about health. If you don't have your health, you don't have anything at all"; a message that we’ve already heard in all of our previous editions, echoing the intrinsic connection between well-being and a sense of fulfilment. Of course, Bec will always endeavour to promote a healthy lifestyle and inspire others to prioritise their physical and mental health. That much is clear to see in everything she does!

The second of those pillars; Bec recognises the profound impact of self-belief on personal growth and achievement. "I feel that people who believe in themselves take more risks and have more success overall,". Bec was authentic and open as always in feeling the paralysing effects of self-doubt during moments in her teaching career, which has further fuelled her desire to empower others to embrace their potential and step outside their comfort zones. "If I can be the thing that gives other people a little boost of confidence, and spur them on to pursue their own goals, then that’s the impact I want to (continue to) have".

Your biggest goals

Athletics and writing - I love it. Are there better activities for the mind? Bec’s key goals revolve around both.

She loves having an athletic goal and since our interview, she has delivered on her promise to run an ultramarathon! I can’t wait to see what she does next and I want in! Of course, she's particularly passionate about breaking down barriers in traditionally exclusive sports, fostering a sense of belonging and community. Collaborations with ON Running and Speedo are a testament to this commitment. It’s clear to see Bec is dedicated to creating a sporting landscape where everyone feels welcome and empowered to participate. Creating relatable content, partnering with such brands that champion inclusivity and just being herself are some of the things that allow Bec to continually work toward “... making sports more inclusive, especially for those who might feel like they don't belong”.

There’s the small matter of a 10 month creative writing program, too, in which she’ll complete her first fiction novel! Watch this space!

Your proudest moment

Bec’s recent Half-Ironman, which is a profound experience for any athlete, was right up there for her which we agreed is definitely more than ‘just doing a swim, bike & run’! Ironman and Triathlon certainly forced a lot of change in my own life and watching Bec kick this goal has been incredible.

Beyond that though, “something that I am quite proud of is just how much I've improved in making videos - I watched a few of my videos that I made about a year ago and I kind of compared them to the videos that I make now, and by no means do I think my videos now are perfect. But I'm just really proud of the progress I've made, and I'm really proud of myself for putting those 1st videos out there, even though I knew they were not good”. Maybe by your own estimations Bec!

I really enjoyed this part of the conversation, as someone with entrepreneurial spirit who went ahead and chucked a load of half baked (and also not that good haha) content into the ether. We were aligned in the notion of ‘just starting’, letting go of that insane quality bar and comparisons and just giving it a crack... Definitely hit Bec up on Instagram and YouTube her videos will lift you up!

Your biggest challenge

Bec's path to purpose hasn't been without its hurdles. One of Bec's biggest challenges unfolded during her time playing lacrosse in the U.S. college system. As she describes it, "It was super overwhelming, moving away from home at 19 into a completely different culture." The intense competition of top level sport and cultural adjustments, coupled with unexpected health issues, pushed her to her limits. "It just meant that my mental health did kind of suffer, and also my physical health," she candidly admitted.

Yet, even in spite of that adversity, Bec reflects on a profound sense of empathy she’s developed thanks to her exposure to this environment. "I feel like I've gone through these waves of feeling like an elite athlete, and then just feeling like a completely regular person". This ability to relate to individuals at both ends of the spectrum - in my humble opinion - is a cornerstone of her success in building a diverse and inclusive community.

Words of Wisdom

Bec's advice to aspiring change-makers echoes her own journey of self-discovery and empowerment. "If you've got some sort of itch or idea...go full force at it,". Her message is clear: embrace your passions, defy expectations, and create your own unique path.

"Life is about experimenting, being a beginner at some things, and seeing where life can take you”. Bec's story serves as a powerful reminder that purpose isn't just about personal fulfillment; it's about using your strengths and passions to uplift others and be a positive force in your community!

“You don't need to follow somebody else's rules of what a good life is, or what a successful life looks like.”

Go ahead and reply to this email if you’d like a yarn; I love to hear from you all!